Dear Friend, 

Welcoming Everyone 

Chabad of Cole Valley does not have official “membership”. This allows us to always welcome every Jew with open arms, regardless of background, affiliation or financial means. This is a core value of Chabad of Cole Valley.

As a result, we depend solely on the goodwill and generosity of the local community to cover our year-round expenses. And if you're commited to see Jewish identity prosper in Cole Valley and beyond; If you're ready to invest in our quality programs benefiting the entire community — then we hope you'll consider joining the "Shareholder Circle".


A “Shareholder” is, essentially, a partner.  It’s modeled after the age-old Jewish tradition, according to which the Heavenly reward for good deeds is divided equally between those who perform it, and those who make it possible.   Partnership in Chabad means that you are a partner in supporting a given percentage of our financial needs It also represents a commitment to the community – It means that you are involved in keeping yiddishkeit alive and seeing it continue to the next generation. 

If you would like to become a Shareholder, please fill out the secure form below. If you have any questions please contact Rabbi Nosson Potash directly on 415.786.5642 or [email protected].

Thanks so much for your investment!

Rabbi Nosson & Chaya Potash

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Secure Donation Form


First Name

Last Name


City, Province,    
Postal Code

This is my

 Home address  Business address



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 Subscribe me to Chabad’s email list  

Payment Information

 YES! I/We appreciate the opportunity to become a "Chabad CV Shareholder"

Contribution Level: 

Please: Charge my card monthly     Send me a monthly invoice 
             Charge my card once for the entire amount

Card Type


Card Number

Exp. Date


Security Code 



 You may acknowledge my gift to the above email address.

 Please acknowledge my gift by mail to the above street address. 

Additional Comments: